(+91) 9355582898 (please prefix +91 before calling)
जेम पंजीकरण परामर्श सेवा
Cancellation Policy Udyam
We operate under a NO CANCELLATION POLICY. Only when service delivery from our end is impossible of any order that has been placed with us be cancelled. If delivery from our end is not possible, then the client would be eligible for a refund less of any associated handling and internet fees (about Rs. 300).
Note: Failure to deliver services from our end shall not be included as non-delivered due to any other document deficiency, non-provision of OTP (ONE TIME PASSWORD), or any other shortcoming or client-side noncooperation that makes delivery of services impossible on our end. If there is no performance issue on our end, there will be no refunds available.
However, in cases where a customer requests in writing to cancel an order within 4 hours of making a payment or having an application processed, whichever comes first, our company officials will weigh the merits of the situation and determine whether to issue a refund. Additionally, under these circumstances, the amount of the refund cannot exceed 50.00% of the client's payment.
It is hereby expressively provided that no refund claims will be granted if a client seeks cancellation or a refund of fees more than 4 hours after completing the payment or processing the application, whichever occurs first. The Company's final and decision on refunds shall be binding upon the Client.